The New Paper

February 9, 2021

Senate impeachment trial set to kick off today

The Senate impeachment trial for former President Trump begins today. Here’s what to expect based on the schedule that Senate leadership agreed to yesterday:

  • Debate on constitutionality: The first day will include a four-hour debate on the constitutionality of the trial and whether the Senate has jurisdiction to try a former president. Given that a simple (51-vote) majority is required to proceed, the Democrat-controlled Senate is expected to approve the trial and move ahead with the proceedings.
  • Arguments: If the Senate votes to proceed, arguments are scheduled to begin tomorrow. Each side will have 16 hours over two days to present their opening arguments, followed by questioning from the Senate, motions on potential subpoenas for witnesses and documents, and closing arguments.
  • Conclusion: Following the conclusion of closing arguments, the Senate will vote on the article of impeachment. Given that a two-thirds majority would be required for a conviction, Trump is widely expected to be acquitted.

Extra: Read the pre-trial briefs from the House impeachment managers and Trump’s defense team, and watch the trial starting at 1pm ET here.

This story is from the February 9, 2021 edition of The New Paper – a clear, concise daily briefing that makes fact-first news easy to consume. Try it today.